Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on The Downside to Standardized Testing - 1022 Words

The Downside to Standardized Testing After 1965, preparation for mandatory standardized testing began to take over traditional teaching techniques and curriculum plans in the classroom. These tests are designed to measure a students skill level in relation to other students who take the same test. Schools are being transformed from centers of learning to centers of test preparation.(Wetzel,Bill) Teaching to the test has caused an uproar between teachers, students, and administrators globally, nationally, state-wide, and locally. There are many positive and negative perspectives when it comes to standardized testing and teaching solely to the test. Is maintaining a good reputation for schools such a priority that valuable class†¦show more content†¦A Flour Bluff high chool teacher exclaimed I do not spend a great deal of time talking about current events; we have a timeline,and each class has to cover so much material every six weeks(Gowens, Jenny) in order for our students to be successful academically and co mpete with other students in the state, they have got to know the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills test. The only way to get this goal accomplished is for teachers to spend hours and hours a day teaching what students should already know. Its up to the individual schools and teachers, Assistant Superintendent Arturo Almendarez said. In Texas, principals can lose their jobs if their schools standardized test scores dont measure up; superintendents can be fired and school boards can be dissolved if districts perform poorly. But by teaching to the test, they take care of this problem. I am extremely pleased so many students exceeded expectations, Gov. Rick Perry said. Our students have risen to the challenge with help from a strong curriculum and dedicated teaching professionals. If all time is being devoted to test taking skills, there is no variety to learning. Once the year is over, the only proof of acquired knowledge is your test results, which does not show what you have lea rned, only what you have memorized. A 1999 state law requires third graders to pass the reading test and meet local promotion requirements before they can move on to the fourth grade. After interviewing someShow MoreRelatedStudent Testing Needs a Revision721 Words   |  3 PagesFor more than 50 years standardized tests have been a bane of student life in America. With the initiation of the No Child Left Behind law there is more pressure being put on students and teachers to do well on these tests. 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