Friday, December 13, 2019

Andy Free Essays

Hello everyone, and thank you for coming today. I start this meeting at Second. II. We will write a custom essay sample on Andy or any similar topic only for you Order Now Explain activity . Motion. A. Today we are going to be making scented sachets, or Axing ABA in cell abortion of the Dragon Boat festival which is on June 2nd. Also, for those of you who are l. Here for the extra credit, you must stay for the entire activity and show Mrs†¦ Hung your finished product before you leave b. So that you are all familiar with what the dragon boat festival is we will be itching a video about the history of this festival, why it is celebrated, and what people do on this day. Pay attention because we will be asking questions after the video Is over. L. What Is this festival know as In Mandarin? A. Duane Joel ii. On the Chinese lunar calendar, when is the festival held? A. May 5 Who’s death is this festival commemorating? Iii. A. Qua Yuan iv. Why did he commit suicide? A. The capital of his kingdom was overrun by the enemy v. How did he commit seclude? He commuted suicide by drowning himself In the river vi. What do people eat when celebrating this day? A. Gong xi or Rice dumplings vii. How did the tradition of the dragon boats come to be? A. The legend that local people paddled out on similar like boo tats to retrieve Qua Yuan’s body What are the Axing ABA believed to do? A. They are believed to ward off evil x. What are some fillings that are put inside the gong Uzi? A. Bean paste, ham, and egg yolk x. What are Axing ABA traditionally made of? A. Colorful silk cloth, Silk Ill. Activity a. You all should have gotten 2 two felt cut outs, a needle, and yarn. Is anyone missing anything if you are raise your hand and one of our counsel me members will come and give you whatever you’re missing. IV. Directions a. Try to follow along with me as I read you the directions, and project what 1 . First, Thread the yarn through the needle, and meet the end together and tie them in a knot. 2. After you have done that, starting from the edge of the right ear, weave the needle through all of the holes until you get to the edge of the right ear. 3. Oh should have al received cotton, and some scented material Put the cotton in and then put the scented material in 4. Once both the cotton, and the scented material are in, continue weaving until you reach the point in which you started 5. Tie a knot to prevent your Axing ABA from opening. 6. A pair of scissors will be passed around to cut off the excess yarn. V. Finish meeting a. Okay, that’s it. If you came here for extra cr edit don’t forget to show Mrs†¦ Hung before you so that you leave and sign out. B. I sojourn this meeting at . Motion. Second How to cite Andy, Papers

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